Yesterday and
today, Saturday April 21st and Sunday April 22nd, thousand
of devotees of cowboy poetry and western music, literature, movies and
television poured into Melody Ranch for the 19th Annual Cowboy
Festival. What started as a Cowboy
Poetry event at Santa Clarita High School got ‘Earthquaked out’ in 1994. The Veluzat family, who own and have operated
Melody Ranch since they bought it from Gene Autry in 1990, invited the
displaced poets to hold their event at the ranch, and they’ve been doing it there
ever since. The event gets bigger and
more enjoyable, every year.
The ranch opened
to filming in 1915, was later bought by Monogram Studios, and sold to Gene
Autry in 1952. Over 750 ‘B’ westerns
were shot there, as well as many ‘A’s, and countless TV episodes – over 2000
productions in all. The main western
street served as Dodge City
in GUNSMOKE, and the main street of DEADWOOD, and just finished up as the
primary location of Quentin Tarantino’s DJANGO UNCHAINED.
The New Livery Stable
As Melody Ranch is
only opened to the public this one week-end a year, it is an event not to be
missed, and I was particularly eager to see what changes Tarantino, who
reportedly had the ranch sewn up for six months, had wrought. Happily, the changes made were so in keeping
with the place that they were all but unnoticeable. The biggest addition, right at the beginning
of the street, is a livery stable. The
other addition – and I’d never have noticed it if a man who’d helped build it
hadn’t pointed it out to me – is to the Adams Hotel. A balcony has been added to the second
story. Overall, everything looked just a
bit sturdier – not ‘newer’, because they’re expert at hiding any inappropriate
newness, but somehow more substantial.
Hotel with new balcony
That livery was
occupied by a group of Buffalo Soldiers, including Justin Collins, who is
pictured showing an officer’s saddle. He
also told a joke about the difference in design between the enlisted man’s and
the officer’s saddle, and if there was any way to clean it up, I’d repeat
The street was
full of entertainers, from lariat-spinners to fiddlers. The shops sold a wide variety of art, hats,
and anything you could make out of leather.
star William Smith, set up in a saloon, did land-office business selling his
book of poetry, sharing the space with VENTURES guitarist Nokie Edwards.
Nokie Edwards and William Smith
picture by Mike Gaglio
Bobbi Jean and Jim Bell
Across the street
was the Buckaroo Bookshop, run by Jim and Bobbi Jean Bell, whose OutWest store
in Newhall is a hub for western literature and music. They’ve taken on a massive project:
identifying all of the cowboys in a photo taken at the Madison Square Garden Rodeo
in 1944! Among authors out on the patio
was Peter Sherayko. His TOMBSTONE: THE GUNS AND GEAR, details all of
the weapons and props he provided for that film, and his new book, THE FRINGE
OF HOLLYWOOD explains, as its subtitle says, THE ART OF MAKING A WESTERN.
Peter Sherayko
Among the authors
signing books inside, and taking part in panels, were Roy Roger’s daughter
Cheryl Rogers-Barnett, JR Sanders, Troy Andrew Smith, Larry Kenneth Potts, and
C. Courtney Joyner, whose THE WESTERNERS is an unbeatable collection of
interviews with Western-makers, in front of and behind the camera.
JR Sanders and C. Courtney Joyner
The Children’s
Corral featured all manner of arts and crafts like wool spinning, and
money-makin’ propositions like gold-panning.
Among non-musical performers was the always impressive and amusing
champion quick-draw artist and gun-slinger, Joey Dillon. Having trained Josh Brolin with a gun for
JONAH HEX, his behind-the-scenes training will soon be demonstrated in the
also working at putting together a series for the History Channel, which he
describes as, “basically WILD WEST TECH and SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE squeezed
Joey Dillon about to shoot an apple off a volunteer's head
There were five
performance spaces, from the intimate to the Texas-size, featuring poets like
Waddie Mitchell, Gary Robertson and Doris Daley. They alternated with music acts like The
Quebe Sisters Band, Don Edwards, John Bergstrom and Cow Bop.
Cow Bop performs
The Gold Rush Food Court
featured all manner of barbecue, Mexican and Native American food, and the
Visalia Cowboy Cultural Committee was present with their famous cowboy peach
cobbler and cowboy coffee. I tried an
Indian dog, which was a hot-dog cooked in fry-bread; like a corn-dog, only not
rancidly sweet. At the food court I ran
into Jeffrey Richardson, who curated the wonderful new Colt Firearms show at
the Autry, and actor Mike Gaglio, who was enjoying his last day wearing a
scruffy western beard, knowing he’d have to shave it on Sunday, to play a
military part in a web series.
Costume designer Karin McKechnie
As always, my
favorite part of the event was walking the Western street, strolling along the
boardwalk, trying to recognize where things were shot, admiring the folks who
came in costume, the horses, and odd pieces of rolling stock. It was a great event, and I only wish I could
have come back on Sunday to hear more of the music.
APRIL 28, 29 & MAY 5TH
Just as it has
been since 1923, RAMONA, California’s official
outdoor play, will be presented at the Ramona Bowl Amphitheatre in Hemet, California. Now in its 89th season, RAMONA is
a grand tradition, based on the novel written by Helen Hunt Jackson in
1884. Her intention was to draw
attention to the plight of California Indians in the same way that Harriet
Beecher Stowe exposed the evils of slavery with UNCLE TOM’S CABIN. A work of fiction, but set in real locations,
RAMONA was a publishing phenomena, and it was decided to present a play based
on the book, in a natural outdoor setting, in the area where the story takes

It’s a remarkably
colorful presentation, with about 350 participants, and only the two leads are
usually professional actors. Some locals
have taken part, in various roles and positions onstage and behind the scenes,
for decades. Among the famous actors who
have taken part are GONE WITH THE WIND villain Victor Jory, who played the lead
early in his career, and was associated with the show for years, and Raquel
Welch, who played Ramona in 1959. To
learn more, and buy tickets, call 800-645-4465, or go HERE.
you want to smell the black powder, feel the thunder of cannon, and be
transported back to America’s
greatest inner-conflict, visit the Pierce
College Farm
Center as hundreds of
re-enactors recreate The Civil War.
you want to give your kids a stirring lesson in living history, or immerse
yourself in another time, you can’t beat it. You’ll see cavalry charges, artillery
barrages, and infantry assaults.
day will feature demonstrations of Victorian dancing, military drill, and
skills and crafts from the era.
you’ll see President Lincoln deliver his Gettysburg Address!
I’ve attended for the past two years, and
enjoyed it immensely both times.
learn more, and order tickets, go here:
save 25%, use this promotional code: FAMILY.
I am hugely
jealous of anyone who gets to attend the event Sara Monacelli is organizing on
May 11-13, in Orvieto. In addition to a
great line-up of films to be screened, here are some of the guests who will be
making personal appearances: composer
Ennio Morricone; Spaghetti Western stars Tomas Milian, Fabio Testi and Gianni
Garko; director Giancarlo Santi (The Grand Duel); screenwriter Sergio Donati
(Once Upon A Time In The West); editor Nino Baragli (all of Leone’s Westerns!);
and producer Claudio Mancini
(many Leone films). For more
information, go here:
Continuing with
their monthly What Is A Western?
Saturday series, curator Jeffrey Richardson will be showing THE GUNFIGHTER
(1950) on June 9th; CAT BALLOU (1965) on July 14th; BUTCH
(1940) on September 8th; 3:10 TO YUMA (1957) on October 13th;
ONE EYED JACKS (1961) on November 10th; THE TALL T (1957) on January
19th 2013; and LAST OF THE MOHICANS on February 8th,
2013. All prints will be 35mm, unless
we’re informed otherwise. I’ll be
talking about the rapid disappearance of 35mm film in next week’s Round-up.
And coming on
Saturday, September 22nd, the Autry will salute the 75th
Anniversary of THE VIRGINIAN TV series.
Cast members scheduled to attend are James Drury, Randy Boone, Gary
Clarke, Sara Lane,
Diane Roter, Roberta
Shore and Don Quine, and
the moderator will author Boyd Magers.
On Sunday, April
29th, catch a pair of 1970s Clint Eastwood westerns that are rarely
shown on the big screen anymore: HIGH PLAINS DRIFTER, directed by Clint, and
JOE KIDD, directed by John Sturges from an Elmore Leonard script.
That’s all for
today’s Round-up – I’ll be working on a comedy documentary most of week!
Happy Trails,
All Original
Material Copyright April 2012 by Henry C. Parke – All Rights Reserved